
Made : January 2022

1 Week


Hammer ++


Project-Hammer is a 3D, First-Person Shooter, Linear Level


The theme is an abandoned city, where Gordon tries to escape and reach his main destination


Weapons : Crowbar / Pistol / Smg / Shotgun

Special Weapon : Gravity Gun

Type of Enemies : Metropolice (Pistol & Shotgun), Soldiers (Pistol & Shotgun), Zombies, Turrets

AI Civillians : You need to Rescue them

Environment : Combine Forcefields


The Player spawns in a place resembling a prison. They soon realize that they need to escape. Upon stepping outside, they are met with a post-apocalyptic environment the must navigate from house to house, killing zombies along the way. Eventually, they stumble upon a compound where they encounter soldiers.

First Thoughts

After creating the First Top-Down sketch and brainstorming the basic idea, I began building my Level in the Engine

Top-Down Map


Design & Thought Process

At the Beginning, this NPC is going to tell the Player what his Main Goal is

This is the First Room where the Player encounters an Enemy

The Enemy is Friendly, but it doesn’t like it when you get too close to him

In Order for the Player to Access the next Room, they need to pick up a Crowbar and go through a Vent

Behind the zombie, there is a Yellow Flickering Light to Attract the Player’s Attention, and they can Loot a Pistol in this room

I Designed a System : This system operates with Lights

Doors that are Locked and have a Lamp above them to Indicate that they Open with a Switch

To Find the Switch, You have to Follow the cable that comes out of the Door

The Player has to Disable the Turret

And by Pressing the Button will Automatically open the Door

Allowing the Player to Progress to the Last Level

When the Player collides with a Certain Trigger, an Animation is Triggered where the Zombie Throws a Barrel and Smashes a Window

From then on, the Player has Two Choices : He can go through the Hallway or take the sneaky route through the Air System

Hallway (Loud)

Air System (Stealth)

Link : Article about the process of creating a Level . . .